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There are demands for research activity in the biomedical sciences and the process of planning the research project, getting funding and various permissions, controlling data acquisition, data analysis, and writing of the research report as a scientific article often seems problematic for the new and often even for the experienced researcher. 


Many may also wonder what actually happens after the paper is submitted, how their work is handled through the editorial process, and what may influence the decision for acceptance or rejection.


Thus, there are numerous issues in the many phases from idea to publication. The purpose of this website is to guide you through the different steps in the research journey all the way from the initial idea and until you see your final paper in print.


However, I will have to start by giving you an apology. I am making this beside my normal full time work, and I am not in any way an expert in website design. So there will be some parts that can be improved! I am of course open for suggestions, so please write to me if you have suggestions for content or improvements. The website is under constant construction/improvement.


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